
Tan Tong Hai Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director Starhub

Tan Tong Hai
Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director
Board of Governors
Nanyang Polytechnic

德高望重 Tan Tong Hai
请把英文信译成中文. 谢谢. 辛苦了
Lilian Ho Meng Meng lilian.mm.ho@starhub.com
Dear Mr Lee
We refer to your emails of 12 June 2013 and 2 July 2013 below.
We had previously sent you an email on 23 May 2013 to explain and clarify the misunderstanding that arose over the visit to your shop on 22 February 2013 by our representatives and the representatives of Starcomm Solutions Pte Ltd.
You may recall that, on the day of the visit, you were actually present at your shop. However, when it was convenient for the representatives to enter your shop, you walked away and watched the representatives from a distance. The representatives therefore handed the document to your son and conveyed the message to him. The video recording merely captured the events as transpired.
We would like to take this opportunity to reiterate that we are no longer in possession of the video recording and therefore, it is not possible for us to extend a copy to you.
We have treated this matter as closed and have chosen to move forward and focus our efforts in assigning another distributor, Telechoice International Ltd, to you so that you can still buy our StarHub prepaid cards for resale. We hope that you can do the same so that this business relationship can continue.
Best Regards

Lilian Ho

